Logistic Regression with Python - A Crash Course

Presented by
David Langer

Free Training to Fit Your Busy Schedule

Is data shaping the future of your profession?

While data has always been used in business, things have changed. Functions like HR, Product Management, Customer Service, etc. are embracing analytics to drive better business outcomes.

Do you want to be a part of this data-driven future?

Logistic regression is valuable to ANY professional. Logistic regression allows you to craft predictive models to understand the "why" of what's happening in the business.

Want a crash course in logistic regression?

In about 80 minutes, you will learn to craft logistic regression models using Python. NOTE - This is primarily an intuitive introduction. There is some math, but it isn't scary at all!

Are you new to Python?

This crash course assumes a basic level of Python skills. Check out Dave's free YouTube Python Crash Course tutorial series to get the skills you need.

Is this crash course worth your time?

Check out what professionals have to say about Dave's crash courses below. Also, check out this video of Dave teaching a previous live crash course.

Get the files

Register, and you will receive an email with a PDF of all slides, a Jupyter Notebook of Python code, and the data used during the course.

Don't have time to watch the couse now?

No problem! When you register, you will receive a link to watch the crash course when you are ready.

Want to jumpstart your machine learning skills?

Check out Dave's free on-demand Python crash courses on decision trees, tuning decision trees, and k-means clustering. Register now and watch later!


About Dave Langer

Dave Langer founded Dave on Data, where he crafts and delivers training designed for ANY professional to develop valuable data analysis skills. Dave's vision is a world where data analysis skills are as common as skills with Microsoft Office.

Dave has successfully trained 100s of professionals in a live classroom setting and 1000s more via his online courses and tutorials. Dave is a hands-on analytics artisan, combining Excel, SQL, and R/Python to deliver insights that drove business strategy at companies like Schedulicity, Data Science Dojo, and Microsoft.

Dave holds a BA in economics and an MS in computer science from the University of Washington.

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