Machine Learning

in a Nutshell

Presented by
David Langer

Be a Part of the Data-Driven Future of Business

Is machine learning shaping the future of your profession?

While data has always been used in business, things have changed. Functions like HR, Product Management, Customer Service, etc., embrace advanced analytics to drive better business outcomes.

Do you want to be a part of this data-driven future?

It’s hard to avoid all the social media posts, magazine articles, or news clips trumpeting how machine learning is permanently changing the way organizations operate – and changing the expectations of employers.

Do you think your lack of math/programming skills will hold you back?

By focusing on the right techniques, ANY professional can learn to apply machine learning to their business data. You start with concepts. The coding and the math comes after.

Machine learning for ANY professional

Imagine a Product Manager that could answer the following question with data, "What feature usage(s) are highly predictive of a sticky customer?" How much value are they bringing to their employer?

Get your questions answered

Be sure to ask any question during the webinar and get a response via email.

Get the slides

A .PDF of all the slides is available in the webinar for download.

You've got this if you want it

This webinar is a purely intuitive introduction to machine learning. No math. No programming. See what's possible.


About Dave Langer

Dave Langer founded Dave on Data, where he crafts and delivers training designed for ANY professional to develop valuable data analysis skills. Dave's vision is a world where data analysis skills are as common as those with Microsoft Office.

Dave has successfully trained 100s of professionals in a live classroom setting and 1000s more via his online courses and tutorials. Dave is a hands-on analytics artisan, using the combination of Excel, SQL, and R to deliver insights that drove business strategy at companies like Schedulicity, Data Science Dojo, and Microsoft.

Dave holds a BA in economics and an MS in computer science from the University of Washington.

Machine Learning for ANY Professional